Keeping festival goers safe and happy

Festival season is just around the corner. To create a fun, exciting, memorable festival experience for your guests, it’s important to have their health and safety at the forefront of your mind.  

Here are a couple of things you will need to consider before and during your event to keep everyone safe and happy: 

Pre-event communication  

Communication before your festival is essential to make sure your guests are aware of the rules and requirements expected of them on-site. This is everything from ticket entry to travel to guest behaviour.  

It’s also a good time to advise your guests on what to bring with them. Unfortunately, festivals can sometimes see a lot of theft, therefore it’s a good idea to remind your guests to not bring anything valuable.  

To save on space at your event, you could plan to divide your tents into seperate areas. For instance one section could be for lost property and another section as a safe space. Our saddlespan tents give you this flexibility to use for lots of different purposes.

Creating safe spaces 

It’s important to have zero tolerance for assault and harassment at your event. By creating a dedicated safe space – in a dedicated tent which is clearly sign posted –  this will allow people to report any unsociable behaviour discreetly.  

You can also create a code word that can be used by festival goerssomeone is having a bad experience with someone else that they can’t get out of. One of the most known code words is going to a bar and asking for ‘Angela’. This will allow your staff to be notified that the person is in danger or feeling uncomfortable so that they can help them to be removed from the situation. 

If your event allows families and children to attend, it’s also a good idea to create a children’s space/tent in case they get lost. A dedcated space where parents can go and children can be kept safe. 

Minor injuries tent 

Some festivals can get quite crazy, so it’s no surprise that this can lead to injuries. Some of the most common festival injuries include sunstroke, sprained ankles, cuts and bruises, bug bites, and overdoing it with alcohol and drugs. 

Making sure you have a medical assistant on hand will help your guests to have a smooth recovery. You should also put a plan in place in case you need an emergency ambulance to access the site for serious injuries. 

Our saddlespan tents provide fantastic coverage from the sun, making them ideal for medical tents. Plus, they have a very unique style helping them stand out from the crowd. 

Hydration stations  

From sugary drinks to singing your heart out to your favourite band – it’s easy to become dehydrated at a festival. We recommend having multiple water stations spread out around your festival to allow people to freely fill up their water bottles. If you have an event map, it’s a good idea to mark where these stations are in relation to the main stages or tents.  

Phone charging ports 

After videoing whole performances and taking a thousand pictures with friends, it’s no surprise a phone battery might not survive the festival weekend. Providing charging ports at your festival will allow your guests to keep capturing memories and help them  stay in touch with their friends at the site. 

Employ plenty of staff and volunteers 

You will need as many hands as you can get at a festival. It’s essential for the safety of your guests that the site is kept as clean as possible. From rubbish on the floor to festival toilets. Having a good number of staff will also help to keep an eye on the event and ensure everything runs smoothly.  

We hope these tips will help you on your way to creating a safe environment for your guests, where they can have the best experience ever. 

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