The Secret of Stress-Free Event Planning

Planning an event can be stressful; client expectations are high and they are phoning you twenty times a day, you have a million things to do with hundreds of people to co-ordinate. The clock is ticking.

So how do you stay calm and stress free before a big event? Here we have 7 great tips from event planning experts on LinkedIn that might just help settle your heart rate.

1. Brief and Update

Create and distribute a briefing sheet well in advance of the event that explains, in detail, each step that needs to be taken, who is responsible for that step and when it needs to be completed. Update the briefing sheet regularly and ask everyone to check the sheet before pestering you with questions.

2. Plan for the Worst

What are you going to do if the showground gets waterlogged? If there’s a fire do you know the evacuation drill? Where is the nearest emergency generator? Take time in advance of the event and go through a few worst case scenarios and plan for dealing with them.

3. Be ready Early

If possible, try and get everything finished 24 hours before the event so that you have time to deal with any last minute problems.

4. Delegate and Trust

As much as you might be tempted, you can’t do everything yourself.  To make your life easier develop a strong team around you, use professional, experienced contractors and trust them to do the job. You are the ringmaster, not the circus.

5. Regular Client Liaison

Make sure that you and your client are singing from the same hymn sheet. What they think they want and what you think they mean might be totally different. Get everything in writing and keep communicating.

6. Expect the Unexpected

However carefully you plan, no matter how experienced you are or how good your team is there will always be something you didn’t expect. Be prepared for it. Expect the unexpected and you won’t be surprised.

7. Have Fun!

Enjoy the challenge. Enjoy the chance to show off your skills and professionalism. Enjoy the success.

Do you have your own great tip for planning a stress-free event? Pop over to the Facebook post and share your thoughts.


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