Handy tips for holding a concert outdoors

Are you planning an outdoor event? If you are, and the event involves music of any kind, you’ll have a lot of preparation to do. The logistics of setting up and holding a concert outdoors can be quite challenging, but you can make life easier by following these tips:

    • Choose your venue very carefully – and don’t forget your audience! You need a venue which has enough space for the performers and all the people you expect to attend and that you have permission to use. You also need to think about your audience and make sure everyone can see, so either set up a raised stage or have your audience on a slope looking down at the performers – avoid having performers and audience on completely level ground.


    • Prepare for bad weather with stage covers. It may well rain during your concert, so you’ll need to arrange some sort of stage cover for your performers. You can hire specially designed concert stage covers for a range of events large and small, and these should keep the weather out as well as providing excellent acoustics for your concert.


    • Power up. Unless you’re keeping things very small and acoustic, you’ll need to figure out how to get power to the stage area for your musicians. Microphones and amplifiers, as well as lighting, all require power.


  • Set up a backstage area. Ok, you’re not organising Glastonbury and your acts don’t all need their own dressing rooms, but they do need somewhere to get ready and to store their instruments. You can also use your backstage area to store other equipment out of sight.

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